Thursday, July 31, 2008

Home From Nicaragua

As the summer is winding down, I am thrilled to share with you how the Lord worked in my life and in others as I served in Nicaragua in July. I, along with a team from Living Water International, set out for Central America to share the love of Jesus Christ with the people we encountered. We also had the opportunity to drill a water well at an elementary school and teach hygiene to the women and children of the community.
Our week began in the community of Telica, just outside Leon, Nicaragua. We fell in love with the people who warmly welcomed us into their community, especially the children. The drilling process was underway and we began our lessons with the women and children and had a lot of fun doing it! As we worked, the people of the community worked right alongside of us. We were so humbled to see their love and appreciation. We felt as if we were being used as the Lord’s hands and feet to communicate His love to them in real, tangible ways.


Our time with the children and women was precious and so purposeful. We communicated basic hygiene such as hand washing, disease prevention and simple medical practice. The women of the community warmly received these lessons as well as the spiritual lessons that we shared. The children were also excited to learn new ways to stay healthy and play a few games in between! The Gospel was presented many times and was well received.
As we sought to make the most every opportunity we were given, the week went by very quickly which was expected. The Lord taught us a few things about His plans when we were not able to find water by the end of the week. Although we were disappointed for the sake of the people of the community, we knew that the Lord could see much more than we could. The people of Telica remained hopeful and so appreciative of all the hard work that was put in that week despite the results. We were also encouraged to know that Living Water will be going back to that community after we have left and will work until they find water.
I was so blessed by the people of Telica and by what the Lord taught me that week. I was encouraged by knowing that we never know what our part is in the spiritual harvest. Sometimes, we are the planters and other times we water the seeds that are planted (1 Corinthians 3:6). I am so excited for the day when we get to see all the fruit of our labor.
I want to thank you so much for your vital part to this ministry. Your prayers and financial giving enabled me to serve and answer the call that that the Lord has given me. Also, I thank you on behalf of the people of Telica. Even though separated by distance, you were such a blessing to those people and I know that one day in heaven you will get to meet each and every one of them. Know that you are continually in my thoughts and prayers!